I've been thinking about boundaries and containers when it comes to my creative practice lately too. What is done for joy, what is done for work. What needs to be contained within "work" hours and what needs to be loosened because it's more than just work, or it's THE work?

I have dedicated Fridays this summer to the studio, and one of the boundaries I set for myself was no client work. And then I was in a panic because I needed to do some client work on a Friday to meet the deadline and it came with guilt and disappointment in myself. And while I do think it's important to prioritize personal practice, I did the client work that day and was reminded that it is all a filter for my creativity, and that can be good work for my practice too. If sometimes things spill out of their containers, maybe they can enrich one another too.

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Yes to shaking up the box! Boundaries can feel healthy but they can also be really limiting. I would like to be able to close the door, be alone, and concentrate more regularly, but that's not likely to happen any time soon. So instead of sticking to that vision, I try to adapt and see what I can make in pockets of time. I've been doing this for a long time, and it's probably time to trust that I can make something pretty interesting even when circumstances aren't idyllic or I need to break some rules.

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